This title translates to "Daisies" and follows the shenanigans and hijinx of two Czech teenage girls who overindulge in food, alcohol, and the hearts of older men. Perhaps needless to say, it was banned by the communist government at the time. I'd been noticing bits and pieces of the film around tumblr as the set and costume design encompasses a lot of what I find aesthetically pleasing (especially when combined) including florals, ruffles, velvet, short skirts, lacy undies, magazine clippings, and the thickest of dark eyeliner. It's tough to say what is "sixties inspired" in any design discipline these days as so much of what was developed then has simply evolved and will never disappear from the mainstream, for good reason!

M enecantan estas fotos, yo también pretendía subirlas jaajj
Un besito^
I'd love to see that movie, those stills are so pleasing for the eye!
Gorgeous, gorgeous photos. I would also love to see the film. Great blog. Please visit mine sometime. Much love from New Zealand. xx
this is just so gorgeous! love your blog, following you.
i have decided that i can never have an actual blog because i can not stay focused on one thing long enough without being a sporatic asshole and my blog would be as ocd and add as me. i hope you know who this is.
what adorable images!!! :D
Animated Confessions
one of my favourites movies <3!
one of my fav movies.
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