My quest for the perfect dress continues after my darling mother ordered my dream frock for my birthday and it ended up being much too small. (Note: LBD has been great about accepting the return and are highly recommended in spite of my tragic circumstances!) I'm obsessed with patterns of any sort but very particular about getting them just right, which Motel @ Topshop has indeed achieved with their rough edged polka dots. The shape of the blue dress is to die for, but the peach one has pockets which are an absolute must if we're talking perfection. The search goes on...
Andrea recently posted photos from Marianne Breslauer, who (upon further investigation I have learned) was a German photographer during the Weimar Republic and responsible for generating some exceptionally beautiful images. I'm much more captivated by portraiture than by fashion photography (in general) but can't keep my eyes off of the spots in these.

Both dresses are absolutely darling. Decisions, decisions. :)
that blue polka dot dress is sooo cute, lovelovelove!
this is adorable!!!
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