07 September, 2011

meow mix

Most people find it funny that I'm terribly allergic to cats considering I adore them so much I had one tattooed (on my back) for my 23rd birthday. That was already over a month ago and now that fall is here it's a mere two weeks until my return to the epicenter of most things I consider sacred; London, England. With so many travel plans this year, I haven't allowed myself much spending on clothes, etc but (obv) continue to lust over a never ending list of beautiful creations, at the top of which is this pair of majestic cat tapestry Lita boots from Jeffrey Campbell. I have a feeling these might be classified as horrendously tacky by more refined members of the fashion community, but I can't get over the splendor of them.


helen turnbull said...

awesome tattoo. Oh, how I love London. X

herecomesthesun said...

Holy crap.... how have I never seen those shoes before?! I waaaaaant!

lisa said...

ah, the magical litas! i really want a pair of those except in black suede. reminds me of how i feel about these cat tights http://www.mytights.com/gb/celeste-stein-kitty-264-tights.html. it's nice to fantasize wearing such things even though it may not be practical ^_^

Caroline said...

Golly gosh those are just divine, cats are frigging amazing.

NB: the word verification had 'cat' in it, isn't that weird?

Caroline x

Mairi said...

hahaha those shoes are amazing! would never have expected to see Litas like that!
Mairi x

Lena said...

I love your tattoo! I find most tattoos pretty boring - you know, everyone's got the same - but yours really is awesome!

Lena said...

I love your tattoo! I find most tattoos pretty boring - you know, everyone's got the same - but yours really is awesome!

Kailey said...

I just found your blog - and it is absolutely stunning! Your header (and all the posts, of course!) is gorgeousss! :D

Unknown said...

Amazing tatt!!! I want to see more pics of it!


islabell said...

holy shit! those shoes are amazing. this is the first time i have seen them ahhh

Vanessa said...

OMGoodnessGraciousMe - these are superb! I think that animals on jewellery/clothes are always the best :) I can see what you mean that some people may see them as kitsch, but I think they're spectacular! Ah!

x Vanessa

(on a side note, people also find it interesting that despite the fact that I LOVE pizza, like the one in your miu miu post below, I can't actually digest it! I know how you feel)

Anonymous said...



Those boots are INCREDIBLE! I love cats too, and I am also allergic! It's so lame

Claire Nouveau said...

no way! they rule. and so does your kitty tat!! ;)

danielle C. said...

I totally understand how you feel. I am besotted with cats and all things kitty, but I'm also allergic to them :( sucks.

Danielle x

The Cocktail Composition